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How my mother sent me on an errand& sold my baby-17year old girl (Photo)

You must have heard the story about the mother who sold her 17 year old daughters baby before her daughter raised alarm and the mother was caught.Many say the mother had the right to sell her granddaughter since her daughter is just 17 years old and unable to fend for ...

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Photos: Lagos teenager stabs self after being excessively drunk

Lagos teenager stabs self

After getting high on mixtures of alcohol and other stuffs am yet to decipher, the guy who’s pics appear above and below decided that the best way to reduce he effect of the Alcohol was to stab himself with a Mac Dowels bottle. It was reported that his state of ...

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Canadian teenager mauled while trying to kiss a lion

A Canadian teen got a little too close for comfort to a lion she was helping care for in a South African rehabilitation facility when the beast tried to drag her into its cage by the legs. Lauren Fagen, 18, was volunteering at the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre when she ...

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Teenager sent home from school for having big breasts

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    A TEENAGER claims she was turned away from her�high�school�prom because her “oranges” are too big. Brittany�Minder had spent months looking forward to the end-of-term dance at Central Kitsap High�School�in Washington State. The 18-year-old even travelled to Canada to find her dream dress for the posh do. But when ...

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