Home » Celebrity News » I Had A Creative Brain Freeze When I Was Pregnant – Simi

I Had A Creative Brain Freeze When I Was Pregnant – Simi

Simi – 777

Simi – 777

Popular singer, Simi has come out to react to Chimamanda Adichie’s conversation on the cost of motherhood.

She recently had her say via her Instagram page, and fans have been reacting.

According to her, she once had a shocking creative brain freeze when she was pregnant, so women should be given grace because motherhood is not easy.

Simi added that every mother’s journey is different, and it is the job of those around her to support, not judge.

Her words, “She captured this so beautifully. I remember I had the creative brain freeze too when I was pregnant. It shocked me lol. I’d never felt anything like that before.

Every mother’s journey is different. Some are happy to ‘lose’ whatever they lose. For others, it’s just a bit too much. Your only job is to support her, not judge her experience.

I hope we can actually see mothers more and not just the beautiful babies. Mothers should not feel guilty for choosing themselves sometimes and doing whatever they need to be the kind of mothers they need to be. Because, trust me, majority of the time, they have to choose someone else.

So many moms are struggling with depression and can’t speak about it because they’re afraid to be judged as bad moms. You’re not a bad mommy. You’re a person. And you deserved to be seen.

Lastly, in my opinion, saying “just have all your kids and get it out of the way” is such a careless thing to say. Children don’t get out of the way – unless you’re not actually planning to raise them.”

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