She recently had her say via her Instagram page, and Nigerians have been reacting.
According to her, if her daughter says she wants to become a boy, while she will eventually allow her baby make her own decision, she will go on her knees and ask God to fix her mind.
Bam Bam added that if something within her baby girl feels masculine, they are both going to talk to Jesus about it.
Her words, “If my child tells me mum I want to become a boy, I will ask questions and I will reorient and educate and still tell the child to decide while I go on my knees and tell my father in heaven to fix her mind. Biologically I will show my own and show the girl’s own and say look we have the same thing, Daddy’s own is different.”
“I am going to open a book, I will not bring a naked man to show her but I will show her this is what boys have that makes them boys and this is what girls have that makes them girls and according to history and according to creation, God created a woman this way and a man this way. If something within you feels like you are masculine, we are going to talk to Jesus about it. He will fix it. I believe that God created a man and a woman for a reason.”